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Day Fiftyfive! Trocadero and the Sparkling Eiffel Tower!

What a lovely day today.  HFT and I went on a very long walk.  In part because I really wanted to eat a raspberry tart so we went on a little bit of a mission trying to find one. We also went walking through Champs Elysees, Le Palais de Tokyo, and Trocadero.  I had not been to Trocadero yet and I once again was amazed by the beauty of the Eiffel Tower.  I saw it sparkle and was amazed and felt like a little girl! I love Paris!


Anna@Directions Not Included said...

I love that photo. Love.

I hope you know that I read this every day, even if I don't comment.

Siobhan said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! ps. love the skateboard.. is it urs or hfts?