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Day Thirtynine!!! Once again a run in the Jardin des Tuileries and a Delicious Crepe!!!!

Yay!  I went for a run in the Jardin des Tuileries again!  Afterwards I went to eat lunch at this adorable Crepe restaurant.  My ham, cheese, and egg crepe was absolutely delicious!!  I was full and happy.  HFT and I just hung out in the afternoon.  At night I had a great meal at this Italian restaurant.  Sausage, mushroom and ricotta cheese ravioli!!! Sooo good! The thing is I have been here over a month and I have been eating like I'm on vacation everyday.  Thankfully I have not gained any weight yet but the problem is I still have two more months to go.... I have considered having some self control but I've decided just to enjoy life and... As in the words of Julia Roberts in Eat Pray Love... "I'll just have to buy a bigger pair of jeans" =)

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